Sunday, June 26, 2011

Indonesia National Team

Indonesia national football team once had pride, became the first Asian team to participate in the FIFA World Cup in 1938. At that time they still carry the name of the Dutch East Indies and the 6-0 defeat of Hungary, which until now the only game in their World Cup final tournament. Ironically, Indonesia has a population very much and have a society with a very high interest to the sport of soccer, making football the most popular sports in Indonesia (besides badminton), but Indonesia does not include the ranks of strong teams in the Asian Football Confederation.

In the arena of Southeast Asia though, Indonesia has never managed to become champion of the AFF Cup (formerly called the Tiger Cup) and only be one winning team. Indonesia is the highest achievement in second place in 2000, 2002, and 2004, and 2010 (and making Indonesia the largest state runner-up winners of all participating countries AFF Cup). In the event the SEA Games in Indonesia are rarely won any gold medals, who last won in 1991.

In the arena of Asian Cup, Indonesia's first victory in 2004 in China after beating Qatar 2-1. The second was achieved when they beat Bahrain by the same score in 2007, when the host the tournament together with Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Indonesia in 1938 (in Dutch colonial period) had time to escape and join the competition at the 1938 World Cup. Team Indonesia at that time under the name of the Dutch East Indies (Dutch East Indies), participants from Asia who first qualified for the World Cup. Indonesia appeared representing the Asian zone qualifying Group 12. Asian qualifying group for 1938 World Cup consists of only two countries, Indonesia (Netherlands Indies) and Japan because it was the world of football is almost non-existent Asia. However, Indonesia is finally qualified for the 1938 World Cup final without having to punt after Japan withdrew from qualifying due to being at war with China.
In the 1930s, in Indonesia stood three soccer organizations based on ethnicity, the Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Bond (NIVB) ago renamed the Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Unie (NIVU) in the 1936's the Dutch, Hwa Nan Voetbal Bond (HNVB ) have the Chinese nation, and Persatoean Sepakraga Seloeroeh Indonesia (PSSI) Indonesian owned. Nederlandsch Indische Voetbal Bond (NIVB) an organization of football of the Dutch in the Indies Belandamenaruh respect to Persatoean Sepakraga Seloeroeh Indonesia (PSSI) because Soerabajasche Indonesische Voetbal Bond (SIVB) who wore the stars of the opponent with the score 2-1 NIVBkalah Voetbalbond Indonesia Jacatra (VIJ) one of the club members PSSIdalam a competition for PSSI to III in 1933 in Surabaya.
NIVU originally looked eye PSSI finally invited to collaborate. Cooperation was marked by the signing of Gentlemen's Agreement on January 15, 1937. Pascapersetujuan this agreement, means a de facto and de jure recognize PSSI Netherlands. The agreement also confirms that the PSSI and NIVU to shoot soccer organization in the Netherlands Indies. One point in the agreement also contains about a team to be sent to the World Cup, which made the match between teams formed NIVU against a team formed by PSSI before deployment to the World Cup (a sort of team selection). But NIVU violated the agreement and dispatch teams bentukannya. NIVU do so because it did not want to lose face, because in those days PSSI has a strong team. In international matches, PSSI prove it. On August 7, 1937-member team, including Maladi, Djawad, Moestaram, Sardjan, managed to draw against 2-2 teams Hwa Nan of China in the Arena Union, Semarang. Though Nan Hwa never brushing Dutch teams with a score of 4-0. From here starts the famous kedigdayaan PSSI team.
Over unilateral action of this NIVU, Soeratin, PSSI chairman who is an activist movement of Indonesian nationalism, was furious. He refused to wear the name NIVU. Alasannnya, if NIVU granted the right, then the players will be filled with the material composition of the Dutch people. But FIFA recognizes NIVU as a representative of the Dutch East Indies. Finally PSSI unilaterally cancel the agreement Gentlemen's Agreement when Congress in Solo in 1938.
So history records that they left for World Cup France 1938 a majority of Dutch people. Those chosen to compete in France, namely Mo Bing Heng (goalkeeper), Herman Zommers, Franz Meeng, Isaac Pattiwael, Frans Pede Hukom, Hans Taihattu, Pan Hong Tjien, Jack Sammuels, Suwarte Soedermadji, Anwar Sutan, and Achmad Nawir (captain ). They are cared for by his coach and chairman NIVU, Johannes Mastenbroek. Mo Heng, Nawir, Soedarmadji is indigenous players who managed to strengthen the Dutch East Indies squad, but playing under the banner of the kingdom of the Netherlands

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